Dust Extraction Systems

Cleveland Spray Booth is your go-to source for dust extractors for industrial spray booths. Don’t have your crew working in a dusty space. A dust-free workspace means more than just better, healthier working conditions. You’ll also benefit from a lower chance of contaminating a paint area where a job is in progress. Your expendable abrasives will last longer if their dust is extracted continuously. The work area will be safer, as standing dust can create slippery surfaces. Also if your commercial work area is visible to clients, your shop will look more professional when they see it dust-free.

When selecting dust extractors for spray booths, you have several options. Cleveland Spray Booth offers a range of dust extraction solutions, starting with two portable rollout units that can be quickly located wherever needed throughout the workday. Wherever a project is underway, fast, efficient dust extractors for paint booths are a versatile choice. Our EI central unit is available with several different size motors and stainless steel critical parts. It comes equipped with a magnetic starter and industry leading safety features. Its smaller counterpart, the EII, shares many of its premium features. And our Eurovac system provides a comprehensive solution for multiple dust extraction booths. 

We can install wall mounted or hanging drops for dust extractors in your industrial spray booths, at whatever intervals you need. We can also install pendant drops with articulated arms, to provide the most versatile access to your projects, and incorporate chemical dispensing and detail drops. Make your workspace as efficient as it can be. Let Cleveland Spray Booth design and install dust extractors for your spray booths.

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Specializing in Automotive, Industrial, and Wood Refinishing Equipment & Commercial and Industrial Make Up Air Equipment Sales, Service and Installation

Serving the Ohio and Pennsylvania markets

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